The Luxury Of Alpaca

The Luxury of Alpaca
Once a person experiences the feel of something made from Alpaca wool, they fall in love with it. Alpaca wool is an amazing natural product. It is so soft and luxurious that it is always in high demand for fashion designers to use in making their next fashion statements. It is a highly desired material used to make an Alpaca throw rug that comes in magnificent hand-made designs.
The Hearty and Friendly Alpaca 
The Alpaca animal originated in South America and loves to live in the mountainous areas of the Andes in Peru. Alpacas are very hearty animals. They are gentle and like to stay together as a herd. Raising them is very easy. Their natural gentle nature makes them very easy to work with. Profitable operations are possible at all sizes. This is a terrific opportunity for indigenous people in poorer parts of the world that have the correct climate for raising Alpacas.
The Natural Colors 
Harvesting the Alpaca’s wool is a humane process and entirely pain-free. It is like giving the animals a haircut. Each mature Alpaca produces five to thirteen pounds of wool per year. Alpacas produce over twenty natural colors and the harvested Alpaca wool is sorted according to its color. It can be used without dying the fiber, because the range of natural colors from pure black to subtle tan to pure white are extraordinary. Alpaca wool can also be dyed to achieve colors beyond those naturally produced by the animal.
Free Range 
Alpacas are foragers like sheep and goats. They eat grass, small plants, and weeds. In smaller numbers, they are very happy on minimal acreage. Some farmers have just a few Alpacas. The largest professional cooperative groups have over one thousand. Nevertheless, these are not factory-farmed animals. They thrive when allowed to roam freely outside. It is the naturally cooler air mixed with the occasional warmth of the sun that causes their wool to develop. This does not happen when the animals stay inside. This means factory farming of Alpacas is not possible. They need to roam free outside. That is why they are valuable as a sustainable resource.

The wool comes from the colder climates in winter and then when the temperature rises in spring and summer, it time for shearing. This actually provides the animal with a bit of relief from the heat. Then the wool starts to grow again to be ready for the next winter.
Alpacas are beautiful animals. Raising them is a fantastic type of renewable resource. The designer clothes made from Alpaca wool are some of the best clothes available in the world. Alpaca throw rugs are magnificent to use for cuddling up in front of a fire on a cold winter's night.