Baby Alpaca Scarves, So Convenient!

Summer is slowly coming to an end, and some of us are beginning to feel the gentle breeze that reminds us that the change of season is near, and certainly fall will come with some cold winds... However, we are not quite ready to wrap ourselves up in heavy coats; for now, our wardrobe needs to stay light and versatile in order to allow us to maintain a sleek, modern look, but at the same time cover up vulnerable body parts when the cold demands it.

But what garment can give us such convenience? Easy! Scarves! And better yet if they are made with the finest baby alpaca fibers, or a lush and smooth blend with gorgeous silk. Imagine feeling these fine textures on you while fighting the cold? Surely the weather would become secondary.

And now you may ask, what is the ideal scarf for me? Don’t despair; since everything depends on the style you're going for, fortunately, the options are many:

For example, for a relaxed attire consisting of jeans, heels and a blazer, we recommend using the Peltro Baby Scarf, with neutral tones that will give a simple but chic look. However, if you want to crank up the notch a bit on the same type of outfit, but in a more elegant and feminine way, we recommend the Pearly Baby Alpaca Scarf; its color mix and design will definitively give you an original touch. 

Looking for a piece that highlights any outfit and is always in fashion? Check out our Pepita Baby Alpaca Neck Scarf; the texture of this gem speaks for itself.

And how about a more classic look, combinable with most outfits and made with the finest baby alpaca threads? Enter our Payaso Baby Alpaca. I also comes in a variety of colors, which makes it perfect for a gift.

Feeling savvy and chic? Eager to use something with a more ethnic undertone that will give your outfit that bold and original touch? Our Native Baby Alpaca Scarf is simply beautiful and summarizes in an intricate pattern Peru’s design history.

And for our last tip, if you love animal print, the Pescatore Baby Alpaca Scarf, with a beautiful black and white design that will get you out of any fashion tight spot and has the potential to transform your relaxed outfit into an elegant attire in seconds.

The great thing about scarves is that they are easy to combine, use and store. In addition, they enhance and beautify any outfit, and best of all, are not limited to a single season; you can really use them in any climate and circumstance if done properly.